Digging the history. Absolute chronology of the settlement complex at Czermno-Cherven’ (eastern Poland). Research status and perspectives
Polish-Rus’ borderland; Cherven’; Cherven’ Towns; strongholds; absolute chronology; interdisciplinary researchAbstract
The article discusses the results of the latest interdisciplinary research of Czermno stronghold and its immediate surroundings. The site is mentioned in chroniclers’ entries referring to the stronghold Cherven’ (Tale of Bygone Years, first mention under the year 981) and the so-called Cherven’ Towns. Given the scarcity of written records regarding the history of today’s Eastern Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus in the 10th and 11th centuries, recent archaeological research, supported by geoenvironmental analyses and absolute dating, brought a significant qualitative change. In 2014 and 2015, the remains of the oldest rampart of the stronghold were uncovered for the first time. A series of radiocarbon datings allows us to refer the erection of the stronghold to the second half/late 10th century. The results of several years’ interdisciplinary research (2012-2020) introduce qualitatively new data to the issue of the Cherven’ Towns, which both change current considerations and confirm the extraordinary research potential in the archeology of the discussed region.
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