Kamianets-Podilskyi (Tatarysky) in the Middle Trypillia flint networks of Forest-Steppe Ukraine
Western Trypillia culture, Volhynian flint, flint assemblage, use-wear analysis, flint networksAbstract
The paper presents the results of technological, typological, raw material and use-wear analyses of stone assemblage from the Kamianets-Podilskyi (Tatarysky) site, dated to 3950-3900 BC (the late Trypillia BII). The assemblage is presented against a broad comparative background of sites from Forest-Steppe Ukraine. Flint processing focused on blades production, intended subsequently for the making of tools, produced of good quality raw material (mainly of Turonian Age). However, preferences in the use of raw material changed, depending on the region and the site.
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