The Early Holocene flora of the southern part of the Western Desert of Egypt
Early Holocene, Western Desert, settlement, archaeobotany, EgyptAbstract
The article summarises archaeobotanical data and discusses the importance of plant remains for the reconstruction of ancient flora and vegetation during the development of Neolithic settlements in the southern zone of the Western Desert of Egypt. Such an attempt is possible thanks to archaeological and botanical research carried out there for many years. These studies have led to the identification of numerous plant remains that were found at different sites inhabited by nomadic tribes in various humid interphases of the Holocene. The recognised subfossil flora includes at least 52 taxa. Archaeobotanical assemblages from individual sites are neither very diverse in plant species nor abundant in plant remains. The exception is Site E-75-6 at Nabta Playa, which yielded exceptionally rich plant material. The most favourable period for the development of flora, vegetation and settlement occurred during the Holocene Climatic Optimum, correlated with the El Nabta and Al Jerar settlement phases. This period was characterised by a relatively rich flora that grew in various habitats in the vicinity of the former settlements.
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