Spondylus shells at prehistoric sites in Poland
https://doi.org/10.23858/SA/72.2020.2.1713Słowa kluczowe:
Spondylus, shell, Neolithic, ornamentsAbstrakt
This article presents the results of research concerning shell ornaments discovered in Poland and described in the literature as made of Spondylus shells. Our study focuses on the identification and revision of these artefacts in terms of species, ornament types, and locations of discovery. Additionally, we address the issue of the role of Spondylus shell ornaments and their meaning to the Neolithic communities inhabiting the area of present-day Poland. Our research involved specialist analyses, which allowed us to identify seven Spondylus shell artefacts discovered at five archaeological sites. The strontium isotope analysis 87Sr / 86Sr indicated the Quaternary age of the shells, confirming that they were contemporaneous with prehistoric communities and originated from areas located around the Mediterranean Sea. Presenting the results of our study, we would like to join a wider discussion on the importance of Spondylus shell ornaments in Central Europe in the Neolithic period.
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