Die Pfeilspitzen in Polen (= Prähistorische Bronzefunde; Abteilung V, Vol. 6), Marek Gedl, Stuttgart 2014 : [recenzja]


  • Jacek Górski Archaeological Museum

Słowa kluczowe:

arrowheads, Poland


In 2014, archaeological literature was supplemented with yet another volume of the monumental “Prähistorische Bronzefunde” series, a monograph by late Prof. Marek Gedl on arrowheads from the territory of present-day Poland in the Bronze and the early Iron Ages. It is worth noting that Prof. Gedl had discussed other categories of artefacts: points, some kinds of pins, razors and sickles, within the series (Gedl 1980, 1983, 1984, 1993)...


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Jak cytować

Górski , J. . (2016). Die Pfeilspitzen in Polen (= Prähistorische Bronzefunde; Abteilung V, Vol. 6), Marek Gedl, Stuttgart 2014 : [recenzja] . Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 68, 421–425. Pobrano z https://journals.iaepan.pl/sa/article/view/2256



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