Touchstones from Early Medieval chamber graves in Ciepłe, Eastern Pomerania



Słowa kluczowe:

early medieval archaeology, funerary practices, chamber graves, Eastern Pomerania, touchstones, SEM-EDS


The precious metals of the early medieval period were the same as those of today. Knowing their purity was essential, which means that assaying and refining were of great importance. Touchstones have been used to assess the quality of precious metals since antiquity. Stone artefacts initially identified as whetstones were unearthed in two of the most prestigious chamber graves discovered at the cemetery in Ciepłe. Traces of precious and non-ferrous metals on the surface of the object from Grave 42 proved that this artefact was a touchstone. It is probable that the phyllite stone from the other grave served the same purpose. Tools of this type are often found in high-prestige burials in Europe, in some cases together with balance scales and weights, which suggests that the individuals in whose graves they were deposited had access to precious metals. Therefore interpreting touchstones as a reliable indicator of the high social standing of the deceased seems entirely reasonable.


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Jak cytować

Wadyl, S., & Karczewski, J. (2021). Touchstones from Early Medieval chamber graves in Ciepłe, Eastern Pomerania. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 73(2).



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