New data on fossils in the Mesolithic of the Polish Plain



Słowa kluczowe:

fossil, shark teeth, Mesolithic, Maglemosian, trampling, sedimentary abrasion


Two fossil shark teeth (B1 and B6/2014) were discovered in a cluster of flints excavated in 2014 on the Mesolithic site Wierzchowo 6, in Pomerania, NW Poland. Found a small distance apart the surface of both teeth displays natural modifications. The apex of tooth B1/2014 was broken off after deposition, and on its surface were some marks of trampling and transport. On tooth B6/2014 marks clustered on three surfaces labelled G1-G3. The most apparent striations and irregular points seen on surface G1are interpreted as trampling marks caused by low intensity action of the sand deposit. The occasional occurrence of fossil shark teeth in Quaternary sediments in Poland suggests the specimens from Wierzchowo were brought deliberately to the camp site by Mesolithic settlers. Fossilized shark teeth are recorded in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites in Europe and have been used for various practical and symbolic purposes by modern age foragers.


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Jak cytować

Płonka, T., Diakowski, M., Chłoń, M., & Niedźwiedzki, R. (2024). New data on fossils in the Mesolithic of the Polish Plain. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 76(1), 205–219.



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