The article is devoted to the migration of Poles from the vicinity of Szczecin to the German villages located close to the German-Polish border. The empirical material was collected during five field trips, each lasting two weeks, to a Polish-German border area. I present a specific type of migration – short-distance cross-border migration – from the perspective of parents and children. I conducted research among Polish families who decided to move to one of the villages on the German side of the border, most often from Szczecin or the surrounding area. My research questions focused on the motivations for and experiences of short-distance migration. I present the perspective of parents in light of the phenomenon of future-oriented migration and the experience of children and youth “generation 1.5”, outlining at the same time the specific context of the border area. I include the voice of children to contribute to the development of research on migration of families and to better understand social processes taking place around the Polish-German border.
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