This short intervention touches upon the phenomena of westplaining, (post/neo)colonial phantasies and Central and Eastern European exceptionalism present in the public and academic debates around Ukraine and struggles against Russian imperialism before and after 24th of February 2022.
Artiukh Volodymyr 2022, US-plaining is not Enough. To the Western Left, on Your and Our Mistakes, Spilne/Commons, https://commons.com.ua/en/us-plaining-not-enough-on-your-and-our-mistakes/ (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Brom Zosia 2022, Fuck Leftist Westplaining, Feedom News, https://freedomnews.org.uk/2022/03/04/fuck-leftist-westplaining/ (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Buchowski Michał 2019, Trajektorie relacji polskiej etnologii i antropologii z nauką światową, Lud, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 13–26.
Buchowski Michał 2012, Intricate Relations between Western Anthropologists and Eastern Ethnologists, Focaal, vol. 63, pp. 20–38.
Buchowski Michał 2018, On Embracing Other Knowledges, Etnološka Tribina vol. 41, no. 48, pp. 12–16.
Budraitskis Ilya 2022, Putinism – A New Form of Fascism? Spectre, https://spectrejournal.com/putinism/ (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Buyskykh Iuliia 2016, Ukrainian scholar in Poland: notes in the margins, Lud, vol. 100, pp. 153–160.
Čapo Jasna 2018, European Internal Hierarchies of Knowledge Production: A View from a Formerly Super-Diverse Social Context, Etnološka Tribina, vol. 41, no. 48, pp. 19–22.
Dunn Elizabeth Cullen 2022, When Western Anti-Imperialism Supports Imperialism, Focaal Blog, https://www.focaalblog.com/2022/03/03/elizabeth-cullen-dunn-when-western-anti-imperialism-supports-imperialism/ (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Dutchak Oksana 2022, 10 Terrible Leftist Arguments against Ukrainian Resistance, Spilne/Commons, https://commons.com.ua/en/10-zhahlivih-livackih-argumentiv-proti-ukrayinskogo-oporu/ (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Global Project 2022, Uscire dai dualismi, per uno sguardo dal basso sulle vicende internazionali, Global Project, https://www.globalproject.info/it/in_movimento/uscire-dai-dualismi-per-uno-sguardo-dal-basso-sulle-vicende-internazionali/23984 (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Gorodnichenko Yuriy 2023, Open Letter to Jeffrey Sachs on the Russia-Ukraine War, Berkeley Blog. Economics, https://blogs.berkeley.edu/2023/03/20/open-letter-to-jeffrey-sachs-on-the-russia-ukraine-war/ (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Gorodnichenko Yuriy, Kukharskyy Bohdan, Fedyk Anastassia, Sologoub Ilona 2022, Open Letter to Noam Chomsky (and other like-minded intellectuals) on the Russia-Ukraine War, Berkeley Blog. Economics, https://blogs.berkeley.edu/2022/05/19/open-letter-to-noam-chomsky-and-other-like-minded-intellectuals-on-the-russia-ukraine-war/ (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Filiu Jean-Pierre 2023, War in Ukraine: The Foreign Soldiers Fighting in the Name of Internationalism, Le Monde, https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/07/17/war-in-ukraine-the-foreign-soldiers-fighting-in-the-name-of-internationalism_6056479_4.html accessed: 29.07.2023).
Halemba Agnieszka, Ładykowska Agata 2023, On Hierarchies of Knowledge or Everyone Has Their Own Demons, Social Anthropology, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 150–152.
Hall Derek 2022, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: A Response to David Harvey, Focaal Blog, https://www.focaalblog.com/2022/02/28/derek-hall-russias-invasion-of-ukraine-a-response-to-david-harvey/ (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Hann Chris 2022, The Agony of Ukraine, Focaal Blog, https://www.focaalblog.com/2022/03/11/chris-hann-the-agony-of-ukraine/ (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Harding Luke 2022, Put Ukrainian Refugees in Oligarchs’ London Houses, Lviv Mayor Says, The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/01/put-ukrainian-refugees-in-oligarchs-london-houses-lviv-mayor-says (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Harvey David 2022, Remarks on Recent Events in the Ukraine: An Interim Statement, Focaal Blog, https://www.focaalblog.com/2022/02/25/david-harvey-remarks-on-recent-events-in-the-ukraine-an-interim-statement/ (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Hrymych Maryna 2018, Pereklad z movy kultury na movu nauky: antropologichne doslidzhennya v postmodernistskomu dyskursi, [in:] M. Hrymych (ed.), Antropologiya transformatsii: ukrainske suspilstvo v umovah globalizatsii ta mizhkulturnoi vzaemodii, Duliby, Kyiv, pp. 6–37.
Jóźwiak Ignacy 2011, Etnolog na tropie relacji władzy, czyli o trudnym dialogu etnologii polskiej i ukraińskiej, [in:] W. Dohnal, A. Posern-Zieliński (eds.), Antropologia i polityka, Szkoce z badań nad kulturowymi wymiarami władzy, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, Warszawa, pp. 258–273.
Kalb Don 2022, “Fuck Off” versus “Humiliation”: The Perverse Logic towards War in Europe’s East, Focaal Blog, https://www.focaalblog.com/2022/03/01/don-kalb-fuck-off-versus-humiliation-the-perverse-logic-towards-war-in-europes-east/ (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Levitt Peggy, Crul Maurice 2018, Deconstructing and Reconstructing. Embracing Alternative Ways of Producing, Classifying and Disseminating Knowledge, Etnološka Tribina vol. 41, no. 48, pp. 3–11.
Popovich Zakhar 2023, Now Ukraine Needs Allies, Not Talk of Neutrality, Posle: https://posle.media/language/en/now-ukraine-needs-allies-not-talk-of-neutrality/ (accessed: 28.02.2023).
Smoleński Jan, Dutkiewicz Jan 2022, The American Pundits Who Can’t Resist “Westsplaining” Ukraine, The New Republic, https://newrepublic.com/article/165603/carlson-russia-ukraine-imperialism-nato (accessed: 29.07.2023).
Wężyk Katarzyna 2022, Westplaining Ukraine: Jeffrey Sachs, Varoufakis, Naomi Klein, and “the Guardian” Repeat Kremlin's Narrative, Gazeta Wyborcza, https://wyborcza.pl/7,173236,28189964,westplaining-ukraine-jeffrey-sachs-varoufakis-naomi-klein.html (accessed: 28.02.2023).

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