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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Illustrations, figures, and tables are added as separate files, minimum 300 dpi. A separate document with descriptions of the photographs/tables is attached, together with infomration about the copyrights.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The article is not longer than 50 000 spaces.
  • The texts is uploaded in two versions: 1. anonymised (for the review process), 2. version with information about the Author and research financing sources, grants etc.

Author Guidelines

Submitting author is required to sign a percentage of author’s work declaration (Publisher library), which should be attached as a separate file. In case of positive decision regarding article publication, please fill out publication agreement.
Article lenght: we accept texts which are no longer than 20-25 standard pages (about 45 000 -   50 000 s) together with an abstract of maximum 300 words in English. The article should be uploaded in two versions: anonymised (for review purposes) and full version according to formatting instructions.

Articles language: Polish or English

Articles should be uploaded via SUBMISSIONS in either a .doc, or .rtf (Reach Text Format) format.

● font size: 12, indexes 10;
● margines (left, right, upper and bottom): 2,5 cm;

First and last page:
Please write your name, institution in the right upper corner of the page,
for eg.
Anna Kowalska
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Warsaw University

Last page:
Title in English, Key words in English, Abstract in English,
Author’s contact information:
name, academic title, institution, ORCID number


surname, first name (or: surname and name of the editor nad (ed.)), date of publication, title, name and surname of translator, publishing house, place of publication.


● Book articles: surname, firstname, year of publication, title, [in:] Initial of the first name and surname of the editor, (ed), title of the book, name of the publishing house, place of publication, page numbers.


● Journal article: (Author) surname and firstname, year of publication, title of the article, name of the journal, volumer/number, pages.


● Archived academic works: (Author) surname and name, year, title, in bracket: type of work, name of Archive
Kowalski Jan 2008, Obrzędowość doroczna na Podkarpaciu (doctoral thesis), IAE PAN.

● Texts published on the internet should be listed similarly. Only instead of the name of the publishing house and the place of publishing a link should be provided, together with date of last access.

Malewska-Szałygin Anna 2002a, Potoczna filozofia władzy, Opcja na prawo – archiwum internetowe, Nr 4,, accessed 12.08.2017.

● For internet data a separate section ‘Internet sources’ should be added


Internet sources: (Institute of Archeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences), access 04.10.2007.
When quoting an Author for the first time both his first name and surname should be given, later only his surname.
Titles should be written in italics.
Any other files like photographs, tables, graphs should be uploaded as separate files. The photographs should be minimum 300 dpi.
A list of photographs/graphics should be uploaded as a separate file. Photographs are printed in black-and-white.

Their number is limited and the Editorial team reserves the right to choose photographs to be printed.

Citations: should be made according to the Oxford system

Literature at the end of the article:

● Book:
(Author) surname and firstname (or: surname and name of the editor nad (ed.)), date of publication, title, name and surname of translator, publishing house, place of publication.


● Book articles: (Author) surname and firstname, year of publication, title, [in:] Initial of the first name and surname of the editor, (ed), title of the book, name of the publishing house, place of publication, page numbers.


● Journal article: (Author) surname and firstname, year of publication, title of the article, name of the journal, volumer/number, pages.


● Archived academic works: (Author) surname and name, year, title, in bracket: type of work, name of Archive
Kowalski Jan 2008, Obrzędowość doroczna na Podkarpaciu (doctoral thesis), IAE PAN.

● Texts published on the internet should be listed similarly. Only instead of the name of the publishing house and the place of publishing a link should be provided, together with date of last access.

Malewska-Szałygin Anna 2002, Potoczna filozofia władzy, Opcja na prawo – archiwum internetowe, Nr 4,, accessed 12.08.2017.

● For internet data a separate section ‘Internet sources’ should be added


Internet sources: (Institute of Archeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences), access 04.10.2020.


There are no publishing fees in Etnografia Polska.


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