
Ukrainian Canadian

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This paper presents a Ukrainian ethnic landscape of the city of Edmonton and in the province of Alberta, Canada. Based on the ethnographic fieldwork research the author shows the main institutions, festivals, initiatives of the Ukrainian diaspora as well as the ways of constructing and practicing memory within the group. The wider context of the Ukrainian settlement in Alberta (which started 120 years ago) is an important reference point for successive ways of Ukrainian immigration: interwar immigrants from then Poland, displaced persons who came after WWII, Ukrainians born in Poland who came in 1980s, Ukrainians from former Yugoslavia, and, last but not least, Ukrainians from independent Ukraine who have been arriving since 1991. The paper shows the attempts of the diaspora members to draw up an appropriate set of events referring to the history of Ukraine and to combine it with the history of diaspora in order to perform desirable image of Ukrainity. The struggles in this field over time indicate that it is a complicated task.


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