State politics and local celebrations. Commemorations of Kraków’s Jewish past
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Kraków Jews
Amended Act on the Institute of National Remembrance
Kraków ghetto
March 1968

How to Cite

Kajder, K. (2019). State politics and local celebrations. Commemorations of Kraków’s Jewish past. Etnografia Polska, 63(1-2), 169–184.


In 2018, two dates were particularly important for the Kraków’s commemorations: the 75th Anniversary of the Liquidation of the Kraków Ghetto and the 50th anniversary of March '68. At the beginning of the year, The Amended Act on the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) was presented, which is more widely known as Poland's new 'Holocaust law'. The question of legal regulation of the usage of the term 'Polish death camps' polarized public opinion and revealed existing divisions between different narratives concerning World War II and perspectives on the past in contemporary Poland.

The article aims to investigate how official politics of the state toward the past is reflected in locally held anniversaries and commemorations. The influence of the public debate during the celebration of March of Remembrance, the anniversary of March '68, and related events, has reflected in people's opinions and emotions. Discourse analysis and ethnographic research reveal how the past is interpreted in those circumstances and show the complexity of relationships between enduring and counter-narratives about the past.
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