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antropologia biznesu
antropologia stosowana
kształcenie praktyczne
reforma szkolnictwa wyższego

Jak cytować

Krzyworzeka, P., & Rodak, O. (2013). JAK (NIE)PRZYGOTOWYWAĆ STUDENTÓW DO PRACY W BIZNESIE . Etnografia Polska, 57(1-2), 105–117. Pobrano z https://journals.iaepan.pl/ep/article/view/55


The article deals with a problem of preparing anthropology students for work in business settings. We evaluate business anthropology programs offered by universities located in the US. Further, we offer conclusions that could be used by those involved in transformation of anthropology programs in Poland. One of our main conclusions is that most of attempts to apply anthropology in business fails because of strong professional identity that characterizes anthropologists. Dedicated "business anthropology" educational programs should avoid strengthening anthropological exceptionalism because this sense of uniqueness and high value of anthropology faced with business reality could cause a communication barrier and frustration.



Baba Marietta L., 2012, Anthropology and business: Influence and interests, Journal of Business Anthropology, no 1 (1), s. 20-71
Baraniak Karolina, Brzezińska Anna Weronika, Wiśniewski Bartosz (red.), 2013, Antropolog na rynku pracy, TIPI, Wielichowo
Ensworth Patricia, 2012, Badges, branding, and business growth: The ROI of an ethnographic praxis professional certification, [w:] EPIC 2012 Renewal. Conference proceedings, http://epiconference.com/2012/sites/epiconference.com.2012/files/attachments/article/add/EPIC2012-Proceedings.pdf, s. 238-252
Mack Alexandra, Squires Susan, 2012, Renewing our practice: preparing the next generation of practitioners, [w:] EPIC 2012 Renewal. Conference proceedings, http://epiconference.com/2012/sites/epiconference.com.2012/files/attachments/article/add/EPIC2012-Proceedings.pdf, s. 271-285
Marcus Jon, 2013, Who needs philosophy? Colleges defend the humanities despite high costs, Dim Job Prospects, Time, 7 marca, http://nation.time.com/2013/03/07/who-needs-philosophy-colleges-defend-the-humanities-despite-high-costs-dim-job-prospects/
Santee Amy, 2013, The exotic anthropologist: Reflections on working in Corporatelandia, https://sfaapodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/the-exotic-anthropologist-reflections-on-working-in-corporatelandia-amy-santee-sfaa-2013.pdf
Wood Graeme, 2013, Anthropology Inc., The Atlantic, http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/03/anthropology-inc/309218/
Ząbek Maciej, 2013 (red.), Antropologia stosowana, IEiAK, MCDMM UKSW, Warszawa