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Migration policy

How to Cite

SZCZEPANIAK-KROLL, A. . (2014). THE RESULTS OF GERMAN POLICIES REGARDING IMMIGRANTS (1945–2013). Etnografia Polska, 58(1-2), 71–93. Retrieved from


The article discusses the effects of immigration policy of the German government in 1945–2013. In that period the state policy on the influx of foreigners was changing gradually from restrictive to liberal, unlike to the most European countries. In the beginning the government wanted to stop the influx of rapidly increasing number of foreigners, which involved number of problems, including the provision of labour or social security. By the end of the twentieth century the authorities did not develop a comprehensive framework for integration of immigrants. It was assumed that migrants were residing in Germany only temporarily, and the German state was not a country of permanent immigration. This official assumption had serious consequences, for example: foreigners had problems with the legalization of residence and work, and obtaining citizenship. The situation has begun to change in the beginning of the XXI century.

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Statistisches Bundesamt,, dostęp18.09.2014