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in vitro fertilization
Catholic Church
Infertility treatment

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In vitro fertilization technology has been in use in Poland for over 25 years with success and social approval. Moreover, it is highly politicized and pathologised. Catholic Church, the main actor in the public debate on reproductive technologies in Poland, promotes naprotechnology as a “new infertility treatment method”, “a cheaper and more effective alternative to in vitro”. Naprotechnology is primarily based on close observation of the female fertility cycle, but also involves pharmacological or surgical treatments. Most Polish gynecologists specialising in infertility treatments are strongly critical of the method, which virtually is not referenced in international medical literature. However, naprotechnology found extremely favourable conditions in Poland. One can both read and hear about it in important Polish media, including the public ones; the method has also been debated in the Polish Parliament. The aim of this article is to follow the naprotechnology, especially in the context of body regimes, control of women’s bodies and gender constructions. It is situated within the wider discussion about medicalisation, biomedicalisation, and science

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