Cultural and settlement changes in the second half of the 4th Millennium BC in the area between Bug, Dniester and Prut rivers
Funnel Beaker culture, Tripolye culture, Western Ukraine, Brinzeni groupAbstract
As part of the project NCN Opus 8 UMO 204/15/B/HS3/02486 “Between The East and the West. Dynamics of Social Changes from the Eastern Carpathians to the Dnieper in the 4th – beginning of the of 3th Millennium BC”, research was conducted on the relationship between Funnel Beaker Culture and Tripolye Culture, as well as the chronology and extent of the Funnel Beaker Culture in Western Ukraine and northern Moldova.
The literature on the subject emphasizes the migration of the CII Tripolye culture from south to north. A particularly interesting issue is the presence of imports of Funnel Beaker Culture in the environment of the Moldovan group Brinzeni, and especially from which regions its oecumens they come from. Because along with the ceramics of the Funnel Beaker Culture in the Brinzeni group, objects from the Volhyn raw material were also discovered in the literature, Volhynia was highlighted as the area from which these materials foreign to the Tripolye culture may come from. The concept of migration from south to north may explain this issue.
The discovery of about 150 km north of the Brinzeni group of a stable Funnel Beaker Culture settlement in Kotoryny near Zhydachiv has raised a number of questions about this problem. Also, the identification in the Western Volhyn region of the Tripolye Culture settlement in Novomalin-Podobanka near Ostrog, from which vessels with the characteristics of the Brinzeni group and Funnel Beaker Culture come from, shows that clarifying the relationships between South and North Tripolye Culture communities requires further research.
The discovery of about 150 km north of the Brinzeni group of a stable Funnel Beaker Culture settlement in Kotoryny near Zhydachiv has raised a number of questions about this problem. Also, the identification in the Western Volhyn region of the Tripolye Culture settlement in Novomalin-Podobanka near Ostrog, from which vessels with the characteristics of the Brinzeni group and Funnel Beaker Culture come from, shows that clarifying the relationships between South and North Tripolye Culture communities requires further research.
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