Vynnyky—Lysivka, district Lviv. Comparison of the results of archaeological and geomagnetic research
Funnel Beaker Culture, Eneolithic, geomagnetic survey, western UkraineAbstract
Archaeological research in 2023 at the Vynnyky-Lysivka site provided the basis for interpreting the results of geomagnetic work carried out in 2017. The excavations in 2016 resulted in the discovery of clusters of fired clay daub fragments, constituting the remains of the Funnel Beaker Culture household. It was assumed that noninvasive research would show the locations of other such features. However, the results of geomagnetic surveys were difficult to interpret- just like in Gordineşti II-Stînca goală. In the course of the investigation, numerous anomalies were identified, mainly of a dipole nature and less numerous point-positive anomalies. A very weak source of anomalies turned out to be a clearly visible Eneolithic ditch cutting of the Funnel Beaker Culture settlement. The discovery in 2023 in the central part of the Vynnyky-Lysivka settlement of a cluster of pits in the place where anomalies were distinguished in non-invasive studies provided the basis for a reinterpretation of geomagnetic surveys.
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