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Indigenous cultures
cultural change

How to Cite

Wierucka, A. (2013). QUICHUA POTTERY AND ITS ROLE IN THE NAPO RIVER AREA IN ECUADOR . Etnografia Polska, 57(1-2), 129–144. Retrieved from https://journals.iaepan.pl/ep/article/view/56


Quichua Indians living in Amazon part of Ecuador are the biggest group of indigenous people in this country. This article is based on the research conducted in the Napo Quichua group, that lives along the Napo River in the Oriente province. This group faces problems related to cultural identity. Old customs, language and handicrafts are disappearing and people are getting used to the Western ways of living. Pottery played an important role in this culture. The ceramic containers were used during every ceremony and their symbolic meaning was crucial part of the celebrations. Traditionally ceramics were created exclusively by women. Some Quichua groups still make decorated ceramic containers, however on the Napo River area women ceased creating them. This article gives the outline of the Quichua culture, the place of the ceramics in it and discusses three types of women's attitude towards this forgotten skill. The research shows that about fifty years ago the last piece of traditional clay bowl was made in the Napo area. At the same time the Quichua women that come from other regions of Ecuador and live in the Napo area, try to create ceramics at least for the tourists' benefit.

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