Museification of contested medieval heritage. The case of King Samuel and the Battle of Kleidion in Petrich, Bulgaria
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
cultural memory, heritagisation, museification, contested heritage, Bulgaria, North MacedoniaAbstrakt
The article explores the intricate process of museifying contested heritage, with a specific focus on King Samuel and the Battle of Kleidion in the town of Petrich, Bulgaria. The magnified historical significance ascribed to this mediaeval king and the battle is closely related to the complex cultural and political dynamics on both sides of the Bulgarian-North Macedonian border. By drawing parallels with the neighbouring region of Strumica, North Macedonia, the study delves into the multifaceted aspects of museification, unravelling the interplay between historical narratives, cultural representation, and local and national politics. These parallels help to contextualise the museification process in Petrich and to reveal the contested nature of constructing, preserving and presenting historical heritage. Addressing questions of identity construction and negotiation of historical narratives, the cross-border contextualization furthers the investigation of the motivations behind the museification process. This study contributes to the scholarly discourse on the preservation of mediaeval heritage in contested territories and offers insights into the intricate relationship between history, identity, and cultural representation.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Journal of Urban Ethnology

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