Establishment, Specifics and Development of the Chitalishte Institution during the Bulgarian Nation-Building Period



Słowa kluczowe:

chitalishte, local community, cultural heritage


By the mid-1850s the Bulgarian chitalishte had established its characteristic features: local character, complex functions and autonomous form of self-management. The article aims at achieving a deeper understanding of the reasons, characteristic features and development of the Bulgarian chitalishte institution, as well as of its embedding in the local, initially urban, communities with their activities related to the preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage. By the mid-1850s the Bulgarian chitalishte had established its characteristic features: local character, complex functions and autonomous form of self-management. The author focusses her attention both on the overall context of the Bulgarian nation building period and on the micro-environments of the local communities, where the chitalishtes were created and developing as specific cultural and educational centers.



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Jak cytować

Nenova, S. (2024). Establishment, Specifics and Development of the Chitalishte Institution during the Bulgarian Nation-Building Period . Journal of Urban Ethnology, 22, 143–155.