Transcending Race and Diaspora in a Colonial Urban Space: Ismaili Indians and Their Education in Mwanza, Tanzania (the 1920s to 1950s)
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diaspora, education, Ismailis, Indians, Mwanza, race, urbanAbstrakt
This paper discusses the Ismaili Indians’ identity as manifested in the aspect of education when the British colonial government sought to develop a school system based on racial categories. It uncovers the British officials’ attempts to promote a unified Indian diaspora and the Ismailis’ opposition to such attempts on the basis of both archival and secondary sources. While existing studies provide a generalised view of competing identities among Indian migrants in East African colonies, this paper provides the details of such phenomenon from Mwanza town. The paper argues that education was an important tool of identity creation among the colonial subjects in urban areas. Ismailis in Mwanza town distinguished themselves from Indian diaspora and established separate schools to fulfil their religious and communal stipulations.
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