Obrządek pogrzebowy łowców-zbieraczy epoki kamienia w południowej Skandynawii i na Niżu Środkowoeuropejskim = Burial practices of hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age of Southern Scandinavia and the Middle European Plain
Słowa kluczowe:
mezolit, paraneolit, groby, pochówki, obrządek pogrzebowy, Skandynawia, Niż Polski, Nizina NiemieckaAbstrakt
The paper analyses burial practices of hunters from the Stone Age, in the early and middle Holocene, i.e. in the Mesolithic and the Paraneolithic in southern Scandinavia and on the German and Polish Plain. Funeral rites have been characterized from many aspects, ranging from location of sites and size of burial grounds, the presence of relics of burial structures and “coffins”, orientation of a skeleton to the cardinal directions, the number of individuals in a grave, to a type of burial and a position of the deceased. Secondary and disturbed burials as well as cremation burials were more widely discussed. The treatment of particular individuals from collective burials was also analysed. Grave goods were discussed in detail, in terms of their type, location in a grave and connection with gender and age of the dead. Similarly, the occurrence of ochre was analysed. The diversity of different aspects of burial practices was primarily regionally and, if possible, also chronologically considered.
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