Nowe wyniki pomiaru wieku dla materiałów kultury badeńskiej w późnym neolicie Małopolski


  • Albert Zastawny Muzeum Archeologiczne w Krakowie

Słowa kluczowe:

late neolithic/eneolithic, baden culture, lesser poland, absolute chronology


Up to 2006, the chronology of the Baden culture in Lesser Poland has been based on just 4 radiocarbon dates. As a result of such a situation, this culture was excluded from accounting it into chronological schemas of Late Neolithic/Eneolithic in both contexts: European as well as in the local one. The improvement of the state of research was caused in 2006 by publication of series of 7 dates. Analysis of these dates resulted in the sequence of important findings, but at the same time it made more visible deficiency of radiocarbon data in the research into the Baden culture in Lesser Poland.There was a need for carrying out planned radiocarbon analyzes. This aim started to be accomplished in 2012 within the research project funded by the Narodowe Centrum Nauki (National Science Centre Poland; number of project: N N109181940). Obtained series of 12 markings doubled the number of radiocarbon dates for the settlement of the Baden culture in Lesser Poland. The article presents these results in the context all the dates obtained for the Baden culture in Lesser Poland


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Jak cytować

Zastawny, A. (2015). Nowe wyniki pomiaru wieku dla materiałów kultury badeńskiej w późnym neolicie Małopolski. Przegląd Archeologiczny, 63, 87–123. Pobrano z


