Dualistic seasonal changes in the Late Glacial of the Central European Plain – towards a socio-archaeological concept of Late Palaeolithic mobility


  • Jakub Mugaj Ośrodek Studiów Pradziejowych i Średniowiecznych, Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, ul. Rubież 46; 61-612 Poznań https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2822-2962



Słowa kluczowe:

Late Palaeolithic, mobility, seasonality, hunter-gatherer studies


The paper presents basic concepts regarding seasonal changes in hunter-gatherer societies (derived from processual, evolutionary and social theories) and the resulting models of mobility. The text presents the current applications of these models in studies on the Late Palaeolithic communities of the European lowlands and the reasons for their use. It also examines the possibilities and limitations of using an alternative dualistic model based on the newest research on the Late Palaeolithic settlement, particularly its early period related to the Hamburgian Culture occupation.


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Jak cytować

Mugaj, J. (2024). Dualistic seasonal changes in the Late Glacial of the Central European Plain – towards a socio-archaeological concept of Late Palaeolithic mobility. Przegląd Archeologiczny, 72, 19–31. https://doi.org/10.23858/PA72.2024.3755


