Epiahrensburgian. Osadnictwo paleolityczne w początkach holocenu na stanowisku w Bolkowie na Pomorzu Zachodnim
https://doi.org/10.23858/PA66.2018.001Słowa kluczowe:
Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Preboreal, Ahrensburgian, Flixtonian, Bolków, PolandAbstrakt
Multidisciplinary excavation research carried out in recent years at the site in Bolków in Western Pomerania have brought many important and interesting results. They include materials, excavated in 2010-2011 and 2015, related to the poorly-recognized problem of Palaeolithic settlements in the Plain at the beginning of the Holocene. The paper is the first presentation of the results and an attempt to discuss them in the broader European context. The settlement cluster defined as Bolków PF/2011 is dated using the C14 radiocarbon analysis to a period of about 9900–9600 BP and represents the so-called Epiahrensburgian.
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