Górnictwo i przemysł Górnego Śląska w dobie Fridricha Antona von Heynitza i Fridricha Wilhelma von Redena, współtwórców potęgi gospodarczej Prus (1777-1807)
Słowa kluczowe:
Fridrich Anton von Heynitz, Fridrich Wilhelm von Reden, Fryderyk II, gospodarka Królestwa PrusAbstrakt
The article addresses the growth of the economic power of Prussia under the rule of Frederic II, which was possible due to building a state-owned heavy industry complex in Silesia, which in turn required far-reaching economic and fi nancial reforms of the state system. Fre deric II introduced protectionism and created an absolutist bureaucratic state with an effi cient ruler who made quick decisions and implemented them skillfully. The times when Fridrich Anton von Heynitz and Fridrich Wilhelm von Reden were the king’s principal assistants saw the industrialization of the country, the spread of mechanization in production and transport, and the growth of mining, metallurgy and the armaments industry in Silesia. This region became the fl ywheel of economy and the basis for the development of the Kingdom of Prussia. It was the time of rapid technology transfer, primarily due to industrial espionage, as well as the rebuilding of the country after the ravages of the Seven Years’ War. In 1786 Prussia had a population of 7 million and a yearly income of 31 million thalers. At the end of the 18th c. the population grew to 9 million and the income to 70 million thalers.
This was mostly due to the revenues from Silesian heavy industry. In the period in question Silesia was responsible for 60% of the industrial output and 56% of the trade turnover of the country. Those developments made Prussia an economic power dominating over other European countries.
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