About the Journal

"Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej" ("The Quarterly of the History of Material Culture") is published by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences (former Institute of History of Material Culture PAS). It is one of the major Polish journals concerning humanities and social sciences. Since its foundation, the journal contains high quality and often groundbreaking papers in the fields of history, archaeology and art history. Among its readers are academics, scholars, museologists and reenactors. Published papers concern mainly the material culture of Central Europe (especially Poland and neighbouring countries) from the prehistoric period to the 20th century (see: Aims and scope).

"The Quarterly” is an important platform of scientific exchange, which is well established and recognised in the region. We publish papers especially of researches working in Poland and other  Central European countries, who represent different academic centres, research institutes, museums and other scientific institutions.

Scholarly papers published in the journal are double-blind peer reviewed (see Sections for deatiled information). No fees or charges are due for submission, review process, manuscript processing and publishing in the journal.
Articles are published: in Polish and in Congress languages - mainly in English.

Abstracts: all articles (peer-reviewed papers) are provided with abstracts in Polish and English.

Frequency of publishing: four issues are published yearly.

Archive: all papers and materials published in the journal from vol. 60 (2012, issue 4) onwards are also archived and accesible at the Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes.

Publisher: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

PL ISSN:  0023-5881
e-ISSN:    2719-6496
DOI:   10.23858/KHKM

Evaluation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education 2023: 100

ICV 2022 = 84.26


„The Quarterly of the History of Material Culture” has been published since 1953. From the beginning, it is an interdisciplinary journal, integrating historians, art historians, archaeologists and ethnologists who are interested in the history of civilization (see Bibliography of the journal  from the years 1993-2012).

Bibliography of "Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej" ("The Quarterly of the History of Material Culture"):
Volumes LI-LX (2003-2012)
Volumes XLI-L (1993-2002)

Editors of the journal:

1953-1968 - Aleksander Gieysztor
1969-1975 - Kazimierz Majewski
1976-1991 - Wojciech Szymański
1992-2017 - Andrzej Klonder
2017-2021 - Elżbieta Mazur
2021 - Magdalena Bis
2022- - Karol Żojdź


The reviewers of articles published in recent volumes