Zorganizowane i wyspecjalizowane obozowisko zbieraczy? Z wyników badań traseologicznych i przestrzennych materiałów mezolitycznych ze stanowiska Ludowice 6


  • Grzegorz Osipowicz Instytut Archeologii UMK

Słowa kluczowe:

Mesolithic, use-wear analysis, traceology, spatial analysis, curved knives


This article attempts to interpretation function and probable internal, spatial organization of the one from the Late Mesolithic camps, discovered at site Ludowice 6, Wąbrzeźno commune. The basis for conclusions drawn were primarily the results of use-wear analyze, which included all discovered flint artefacts. As the result, 155 specimens with traces of use were identified, dominated by silica plant processing tools (curved knives). It allowed the hypothesis of functional specialization of the camp. The differences discovered in tools structure of the individual flint scatters allowed also to comments on differences in their origin and interpretation of the activities carried out in their area. Spatial analysis conducted, made possible the identification of the raw materials processing zones and to formulate hypotheses concerning the internal arrangement of the usage area. The regularities observed here, in case of positive verification on other sites, can improve our knowledge on the organization of usable space of the Middle Stone Age hunters camps from Polish Lowland


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Jak cytować

Osipowicz, G. (2015). Zorganizowane i wyspecjalizowane obozowisko zbieraczy? Z wyników badań traseologicznych i przestrzennych materiałów mezolitycznych ze stanowiska Ludowice 6. Przegląd Archeologiczny, 63, 59–85. Pobrano z https://journals.iaepan.pl/pa/article/view/1604


