Grób z Kazimierzy Wielkiej, stan. 3 w świetle analizy chronometrycznej kultury pucharów dzwonowatych na Wyżynie Małopolskiej
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Bell Beakers culture, grave, Małopolska Upland,, chronometry, carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotopesAbstrakt
In the area of the Małopolska Upland there are known eleven sites with graves of the Bell Beaker culture. A new single grave of this culture was discovered in 2019, at Site 3 in Kazimierza Wielka. The grave inventory consisted of three vessels. The remains of a male aged 40-50 years were discovered in this feature. Analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the bones of this individual indicate a terrestrial diet based on C3 plants supplemented with animal protein. Signatures of strontium isotopes suggest that the man may have spent his childhood in the area of the Pińczów Hummock. The date 3885±35 BP was obtained from the bones of this person (Poz-134513), which can be calibrated with a probability of 60.8% to the years 2456-2340 BC . The conducted modelling of the obtained AMS dates from Bell Beaker culture graves allows us to establish a range of the presence of this culture in the Małopolska Upland for the years 2400/2350-2200 BC.
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