The author considers the question of how to apply certain presuppositions of interreligious dialogue in practice. Using the example of the Passion play in Oberammergau, Germany, she points out some technical and also theological problems which derive from the general nature of Jewish-Christian interreligious dialogue when related to a particular cultural phenomenon. The Passion play in Oberammergau is one of the most famous such events in the world, however, its history, along with the history of Germany (especially the Nazi period) and the history of Jewish-Christian relations, now makes it a subject of controversy. Jewish institutions found anti-Jewish contents in the play, which according to them and recently also according to Passion play organizers should be removed, but the range and degree of changes became a bone of contention. The article deals with the main reproaches towards Oberammergaus Passion play and the solutions to them proposed by performance organizers. It shows why both sides of the discussion cannot reach an agreement and tries to indicate the fundamental reasons for difficulties occurring when ideals of interreligious dialogue meet practice.
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