Applying the modular analysis and cosine quantogram method to the analysis of plot division in regular villages of Angerdorf type




rural settlement, measurement units, cosine quantogram, modular analysis, mediaeval colonization


The article tries to prove that the application of the cosine quantogram method can supplement studies on rural planning based on the modular analysis. The cosine quantogram method has previously been used to identify the basic measurement units in architecture. Its application to research on settlement structures has proven that it can serve as a statistical confirmation of the use of a module in the parcelling-out and help
in establishing the original width of plots. The method was verified on the basis of the data from regular Angerdof-type villages of mediaeval origin which still exist (Mnichowice, Templewo, Czeska Wieś) and from two villages that became extinct in the Middle Ages (Goschwitz in Silesia and Hol near Prague). The proposed methodology can be widely applied in research on historical urban planning.


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How to Cite

Legut-Pintal , M., & Kubicka-Sowińska, A. (2021). Applying the modular analysis and cosine quantogram method to the analysis of plot division in regular villages of Angerdorf type. Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej, 69(2), 235–257.



Research methods