Uwagi o datowaniu i technikach wykonania celtyckich ozdób szklanych z osady w Podłężu koło Krakowa (stanowisko 17)
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Podłęże (Polska), lateński okres, szkło celtyckie, przedmioty szklane -- techniki produkcjiAbstrakt
The analysed set of 63 glass objects is the second largest collection of Celtic (La Tène) glass from Poland. The co-occurrence of artefacts in the fills of buildings, as well as the general chronological frames of the settlement (LT C1a – LT C2, possibly LT C2/D1), have allowed to suggest the middle La Tène chronology of some types of bracelets, which, up to now, had been supposed to be typical exclusively of the late La Tène period. The frequency of various types of jewellery indicates a similarity between the material from Podłęże and sets from the Danube area, from where the Celtic communities belonging to the Lesser Poland enclave probably came from. Observations of traces of technical procedures, indicating the way of production of beads and bracelets, have allowed inter alia to formulate a hypothesis about the presence of winding technique as one of the ways of making Celtic bracelets
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