Badania składu chemicznego szkieł odkrytych na osadzie kultury lateńskiej w Podłężu koło Krakowa


  • Tomasz Purowski Instytut Archeologii i E tnologii PAN
  • Barbara Wagner Centrum Nauk Biologiczno-Chemicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Słowa kluczowe:

Podłęże, the La Tène period, Celtic glass, chemical analyses, LA -ICP -MS


Analyses of elemental composition of 22 glass from 14 objects (6 bracelets, 7 beads and 1 spacer bead), discovered on the settlement of the La Tène culture in Podłęże near Kraków, were examined by the LA -ICP -MS method. 21 glass were melted with sand and natural soda, and the chemical composition of a cubic bead (dated to the La Tène period, but not related to the Celtic culture) was noticeably different from the other glassware. One item was produced using sand and plant ash (so apparently it was made much later than the Celtic glass). Transparency and colour of the glass resulted due to: in the case of blue specimens – cobalt, purple – manganese, black – iron and titanium, yellow – lead antimonate, white – calcium antimonate, yellowish-white – calcium antimonate and manganese compounds, amber-coloured – iron


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Jak cytować

Purowski, T., & Wagner, B. (2015). Badania składu chemicznego szkieł odkrytych na osadzie kultury lateńskiej w Podłężu koło Krakowa. Przegląd Archeologiczny, 63, 125–146. Pobrano z


