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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 12-point font, Times New Roman; without underlining (except with URL addresses); and all figures, and tables are placed separetely (not in text).
  • The text adheres to the formal and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The file with the paper's text was anonymised (double blind peer review procedure) according with the suggestions in the Guidelines for authors.

Author Guidelines

No fees or charges are due for submission, review process, manuscript processing and publishing in the journal.
All authors are asked to follow the current editorial guidelines (see below).
Articles which are not prepared according to the guidelines will be sent back to the authors for necessary corrections.
Articles will be stylistically and formally corrected by the KHKM editors in accordance with the rules of a publication language.
Articles not meeting the formal rules or receiving negative peer reviews will not be accepted for publication.
The Quarterly accepts submissions of articles in English, provided that they are prepared or checked by a recognized expert translator.
After the text is accepted and scheduled for publication, the authors are obliged to sign a publishing agreement.

See also information in: Publication ethics, Copyright policy, Procedures and Archiving policy.

Papers may be submitted only via the online platform of the Journal. Submissions sent via e-mail are declined by default.
For texts with multiple authors, a submitting author is required to sign a percentage of author’s work declaration, which should be uploaded as a separate image file.
A title, an abstract, a main body of text and a bibliography should be submitted in one text file.
Text files should be saved in either .doc (.docx) format or any other supported by the MS Word. Uploading texts saved in .pdf files is not allowed.
Figure and table captions should be provided in a separate text file.
Tables may be saved in a single file, providing that each starts with a new page (please use the page/section brake).
Figures (illustrations, charts, diagrams etc.) should be uploaded either as separate image files (.jpeg or .tiff formats) or in an archive file (.zip, .rar).
Author details with only one affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses and the ORCID – Open Research and Contributor ID (the last being compulsory) should be provided in a separate text file. In this file, the author(s) may provide details about the funding of their research. This information will be added to the paper after the completion of the review process.

Articles incomplete (without bibliography, abstract, figure and table captions) or not meeting the following requirements will not be passed to the next stage of a reviewing process.

Due to the double-blind peer review process, all files containing a main text, an abstract, figure and table captions, tables, figures have to be anonymised – neither personal data nor any information making identification of the author(s) possible maybe put in these elements of the submission. When referring to own works, authors need to make sure that they do not use expressions such as: 'as I wrote in...'; 'in my article...', etc. Such remarks as well as all the information about financing of the research may be added once the review process is completed.

Texts should be set in Times New Roman, 12 pt, interline spacing (leading) 1,5, approx. 1800 characters per page. Authors are asked not to use bolds or spaces for text alignment.

Provide a title at the beginning of the file with a paper’s text. It should be formatted in the same way as the main body of text (do not use bolds, italics, different size or style of a font).

Abstract and summary
An abstract (no more than 800 characters, including spaces) has to be provided for all peer-reviewed papers. It should contain information about the study’s aims, bases, methods and results.

Key words
The abstract should be followed by five to seven key words.
Key words: Janowiec, city, sources, archaeology, early modern period
Słowa kluczowe: Janowiec, miasto, źródła, archeologia, nowożytność

- all quotations should be put in double quotation marks;
- a quotation within a quotation should be marked with guillemets, e.g. “Lorem ipsum «dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing» elit”;
- italics are used only for titles of printed primary and secondary sources and for standard foreign phrases (e.g. nota bene);
- footnote markers in Polish texts should be put before a coma or a full stop, unless the latter marks an abbreviation (etc.); in papers submitted in English footnote markers should be placed after a comma, semicolon or a full stop;
- full names of the months should be used (January, February);
- use the following date format: DD Month YYYY (e.g. 15 July 1540).

A list of bibliographical references should be placed at the end of all articles. The list should be set alphabetically, in sections: ‘archival sources’, ‘printed primary and secondary sources’, ‘unpublished secondary sources’. Each reference listed should correspond with citations in footnotes (do not include works which are not cited).
Archival sources:
AGAD [Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie = Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw], ASK [Archiwum Skarbu Koronnego = Archive of the Crown Treasury], XLVI, ref. 103d.
AP Gdańsk [Archiwum Państwowe w Gdańsku = State Archive in Gdańsk], AME [Archiwum Miasta Elbląga = Elbląg town records , 369,1], ref. 2402, 2938.
AP Warszawa [Archiwum Państwowe w Warszawie = State Archive in Warsaw], WTD [Warszawskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności = Warsaw Charitable Society], ref.459.
NRO [Norfolk Record Office], NRC, ref. 7c.

Printed primary and secondary sources:
Akta. 1951. Akta do dziejów Polski na morzu, ed. W. Czapliński, 7, 1632–1648,  1, Gdańsk.
Das Ausgabebuch. 1911. Das Ausgabebuch des Marienburger Hauskomturs für die Jahre 1410-1420, ed. W. Ziesemer, Königsberg.
Geoffrey of Monmouth. 1951. Historia Regum Brittaniae, ed. J. Hammer, Cambridge (Mass.).
Rawcliffe Carol. 2002a. “On the Threshold of Eternity”: Care for Sick in East Anglian Monasteries, [in:] East Anglia’s History, eds. C. Harper-Bill, C. Rawcliffe, R.G. Wilson, Woodbridge, pp. 120–189.
Rawcliffe Carol. 2002b. Passports to Paradise. How English Medieval Hospitals and Almshouses Kept their Archives, “Archives”, 27, pp. 1–22.
Samsonowicz Henryk. 2002. Wiejskość osad miejskich w późnym średniowieczu, [in:] Civitas et villa. Miasto i wieś w średniowiecznej Europie Środkowej, eds. C. Buśko et al., Warszawa–Praha, pp. 13–16.
- book references should consist of the name of the author(s) and the title or the title and the name of the editor, the place and the year of publication;
- works of one author published in the same year should be marked with consecutive letters of the alphabet added after the publication year (Rawcliffe Carol. 2002a.; Rawcliffe Carol. 2002b.; Rawcliffe Carol. 2002c.);
- all titles should be put in italics, excluding the works which are not yet printed (published);
- titles of unprinted manuscripts and typescripts should be put in quotation marks, the place and the year of creation as well as the holding place should be listed;
- titles of collaborative works or volumes should be preceded by [in:];
- names of editors of collaborative works or volumes should follow the title or the particular volume;
- journal titles should be put in quotations marks; journal titles should not be preceded by [in:];
- abbreviations for volumes, issues, parts etc. are to be omitted, while numbers marking volumes, issues etc. are separated with a comma (e.g. “Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, 25, 4); page number(s) should be preceded by corresponding abbreviations: p., pp.;
- references to texts in newspapers should contains surname and name of an author/author’s designation/first noun of the title (if there is no designation of the author), publication year, text’s title, newspaper’s title (all in original, non-modernised form), issue, issue date (day and month), page(s). Examples:
Acedański Michał. 1936. Budowa szkoły w Brzeźnicy Bychawskiej, „Lubartowiak”, 23 (1 grudnia), s. 3–4.
Felicie. 1842. The fashions, „The Illustrated London News”, 1 (14 May), p. 6.
Birds. 1869. Birds, beasts, and fishes, “Punch, or the London Charivari”, 9 January, p. 14
- a full stop should be put at the end of each reference;
- Cyrillic characters constituting the alphabets of many Slavic and non-Slavic languages should be transliterated in accordance with the ISO 9:1995 (more information – in Polish – to be found here). For other non-Latin scripts, use the corresponding ISO transliteration standard.
Karger M.K. 1940.
Karger Mihail Konstantinovič. 1940. K voprosu o Kieve v VIII–IX vv., „Kratkie soobŝeniâ o dokladah i polevyh issledovaniâh Instituta istorii material′noj kul′tury AN SSSR”, 6, s. 61–66.

- footnotes should be typed in Times New Roman, 10pt, interline spacing 1, first line starting with 1 tabulator;
- all citations should correspond with the extended bibliographical reference listed in the bibliography section;
- citations consists of surnames and initials of the authors followed by the year of publication and the cited page(s); in cases of printed primary sources and collaborative volumes the first noun of the title is followed by the year of publication and the cited page(s);
- if a whole work is referenced the page numbers are omitted;
- using: idem, eadem, ibidem, op.cit. is not allowed.
1 Geoffrey of Monmouth. 1951, pp. 133–142.
2  Rawcliffe C. 2002b, pp. 8–9.
3  AGAD, ASK, XLVI, ref. 103,. f. 2v; AP Warszawa, WTD, ref. 459, p. 11.
4  Samsonowicz H. 2002, p. 14.
5  Akta 1951, pp. 145, 149–159.
6  AP Gdańsk, AME, ref. 2402, ff. 461r–463r.
7  Das Ausgabebuch 1911, p. 171.
8  Rawcliffe C. 2002a.
9  Wyrobisz A. 1964a, p. 20; Wyrobisz 1964b, p. 167.
10 Wyrobisz A. 1964a, p. 19; Rawcliffe C. 2002a; Janowski P.J. 2022, pp. 272–275; Janowski P.J. 2023.

Figures and Tables
- all pictures, maps, photos, graphs, diagrams, charts etc. are treated as figures and marked with consecutive numbers (arabic);
- tables are numbered separately;
- figures should not be placed in the text file but provided in separate files in either .TIFF or .JPG format (or in an archive file). The required minimal image quality is 300 dpi;
- if the figure was reproduced from the published work its caption should use the standard citation (as in footnotes);
- names of drawings’ or photos’ authors should be listed at the end of figure captions;
- maps and plans should be oriented with north to the top of a page;
- figure captions should be provided in a separate text file (file format requirements are the same as for the main text file) and should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt, interline spacing (leading) 1,5; arabic numerals should be used for numbering.


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