Archeologia wspólnotowa – przykład krajobrazu poobozowego w Lamsdorf (Łambinowice)
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community archaeology, heritage, memoryAbstrakt
Community archaeology is becoming an increasingly important way of conducting archaeological research in many countries all around the world. This article concerns the scientific project entitled “Science for Society, Society for Science at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice” which is a place where various prisoners of war and resettlement camps functioned between 1870 and 1946. The main idea of the project was set in the interpretation framework of community archaeology that approaches the practice of the discipline as a form of social interaction between science and local communities. In the first part of the paper, the main assumptions, goals and research methods used during the first season of field research in 2022 at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice are presented. The second part defines the very idea of community archaeology and its social potential. The application and benefits of making in practice the idea of community archaeology during interdisciplinary research at the Site of National Remembrance in Łambinowice comprises the final section of this text. Thus, this paper aims to present archaeology as a social practice inherently rooted in the present that can be successfully implemented with the active participation of local communities and volunteers.
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