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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted article has not been published anywhere before, nor has it been submitted to another journal.
  • The submission – text and other elements – were prepared in accordance with the "Author Guidelines" developed by the Editorial Team. Its volume and content is in line with the description of the "Journal sections".
  • The article has been formatted according to the "Author Guidelines", which specify the style and rules for bibliography and footnotes.
  • All elements of the submission (author/authors data, abstract and key words, text, bibliography, figures, list of figures, tables, list of tables, summary, etc.) are separate files. Numbers of figures and tables are provided in the main text.
  • All attached files (text and other elements of the manuscript) have been anonymized and do not contain personal data or any information that could identify the author(s).
  • For cited articles with a DOI number, this number is given next to the publications listed in the bibliography.

Author Guidelines

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Archeologia Polski, as all the journals published by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS, is peer reviewed and adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics. No articles and materials found to be in violation with them will be published.
Authors declare in writing that they are actual authors of a submitted paper and that the text was not submitted for publication elsewhere. Any contribution by other authors or contributors is clearly stated. Any parts of the text based on or taken from works of other authors or other sources are suitably marked. Any information about a funding of research and/or a conflict of interest that could impact research outcomes should be stated.
When sending articles for the peer review, the editors seek to prevent any conflict of interest between authors, reviewers and the editorial team. It is also guaranteed that the information about a submission before its publication is confidential.
Reviewers evaluate texts only on merit. They are not allowed to use any knowledge about the work before its publication. If they feel unqualified to evaluate a particular work, they should promptly inform the editors and withdraw from the review process.

Papers may be submitted only via the online platform of the Journal (in the tab “Submissions | Archeologia Polski (”).
Before making a submission, it is required for authors to read the editorial guidelines and prepare the submission according to them. Submissions that are not in accordance with the guidelines will be declined by default.
All parts of a submission (i.e., Authors’ details; Abstract and Key words; Main text; Bibliography; Tables; List of tables; Figures; List of figures; Summary) should be uploaded as separate files in a valid format.
All text documents should be uploaded as MS Word files. Texts should be set in Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal spacing, 1,5 interline spacing (leading), justified, 2,5 cm margins (top, bottom, left and right), one-tab intend.
Graphic files should be in JPG or TIFF format (figure requirements – see below).

All submitted files (text and other elements of the manuscript) must be anonymised and must not contain personal data or any information that could identify the author(s).

Authors’ details
Details of each author should be listed, including: academic title, name, affiliation with a postal and e-mail addresses and the ORCID (Open Research and Contributor ID).
Example: John Newman, PhD; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS, Al. Solidarności 105, 00-140 Warsaw;; ORCID: Only one affiliation should be given. The ORCID is required for a submission to be advanced to further stages of the editorial process.

Abstract and Key words
An abstract has to be provided for papers submitted to all the main sections of the journal: “Methods and methodology”; “Studies”; “Discussions and debates”; “Occasional Articles”. It should contain key information about the paper.
Abstract’s length: max. 200 words.
Between 5 and 7 key words should be listed below the abstract. They should indicate the subject, discipline (field) and chronological scope of the article.

A text and all other elements of a submission, including terminology, proper names, geographic names etc., should be typed in the Latin script. Cyrillic characters constituting the alphabets of many Slavic and non-Slavic languages should be transliterated in accordance with the ISO 9:2000 (more information – in Polish – to be found For other non-Latin scripts, use the corresponding ISO transliteration standard.
Text setting (as above): Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal spacing, interline spacing (leading) 1,5, justified, 2,5 cm margins (top, bottom, left and right), one-tab intend.
Text volume: depends on the section of the journal to which the text is addressed; should be in accordance with the requirements in the Journal's sections | Archeologia Polski (
All texts, both in English and in Polish, should be prepared according to the current orthography, punctuation and grammar of the respective languages.
Articles in English should be edited or checked by an expert translator. The translator’s name should be given at the end of the text.
The editors reserve the right to correct and/or shorten submitted papers.
Structure: a text should contain – an introduction; material/sources characteristics; description of methods/methodology; presentation of the outcomes; interpretation/discussion; conclusions; information about funding and acknowledgments.
Headings should be capitalized.
Abbreviations: for texts in Polish see the Polish version of the guidelines. For text in English, use conventional abbreviations.
Use: full names of the months; for time periods: e.g., 15th c., 15 July 1410, the 1450s etc.
Quotations: quotations (in any language) should be put in double quotation marks; any omissions should be marked with the ellipsis in brackets – e.g., “Lorem ipsum [...], consectetur adipiscing elit.”
Standard foreign phrases should be written in italics (e.g., terminus ante quem; nota bene).
Names of other authors: when referring to other researchers/authors in the main text for the first time use the full name, later give an initial of first name and the last name in full (e.g., “The excavations of John Smith was conducted [...]”; “The further analyses provided by J. Smith show [...]”).
References to tables and figures should be given according to the original with either Roman or Arabic numerals, and letters (e.g., table V:3; table 6:a, b; fig. 10:d-f).
Reviews: provide names of the reviewed work’s author(s), its full title; a publisher’s name; place and date of publication; number of pages and display items (for books); for papers in journals or chapters in books, give page range and number of display items.
Chronicle: titles of lectures and communiqués should be given in the original form in italics.

Notes and references
Footnotes: may be used in the main text for additional comments and information; should be concise in form and numbered with Arabic numerals from 1 to n.
References (in the main text and the summary) should be given in parentheses (round brackets) in the main body of text, e.g., (Kostrzewski 1955, p. 127; Dekówna 2023, p. 190, fig. 2). In case of a work by two authors, both names are listed, e.g., (Dekówna, Purowski 2012); if there are three or more authors, the name of the first is given followed by “et al.”, e.g., (Gruszka et al. 2013). When citing serial works etc., name(s) of editors is given, e.g., (Kurnatowski ed. 1988); (Karczewska, Karczewski eds. 2001).

A summary has to be provided for papers submitted to all the main sections of the journal: “Methods and methodology”; “Studies”; “Discussions and debates”. For papers in Polish, it will be published in English; for papers in English it is printed in Polish.
The summary’s length should be about 20% of the main text.
It should contain the key literature referenced in the paper (the same reference format) and references to specific display items.
If the summary is submitted already in English, the name of translator should be given beneath the text.

A bibliography should contain the full list of works referenced in the main text (also in footnotes and display items’ descriptions).
Names of all authors of a publication are to be listed.
If a cited work has a DOI number, it should be given at the end of an enty (e.g., Dekówna M. 2023. Reflections on the beginnings of ancient Russian glassmaking, „Archeologia Polski”, 68, pp. 181–207,
Sections: if archival sources are referenced, the Bibliography should be divided into two sections: Primary sources and Secondary sources; if web pages or material published on web pages are used, they should be listed in a separate section – Online sources (the web pages should be listed alphabetically with an access date given in parentheses). See examples below.
Format: journals’ and periodicals’ titles are put in double quotation marks; titles of non-serial and serial publications are given without quotation marks. In the last two cases, the initials of first names and names of editors are to be provided along with the place of publication.
Unpublished and archival secondary sources – title in double quotation marks, along with the place of origin and the holding institution, e.g.:
Florjanowicz P. 2022. „Archeolodzy polscy wobec nazizmu i stalinizmu”, Warszawa, PhD thesis, Archiwum IAE PAN w Warszawie; Goslar T. 2011. „Raport z wykonania datowań C-14 w Poznańskim Laboratorium Radiowęglowym (gr. 6/2010)”, Poznań, Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego w Gnieźnie.
If more than one work of a particular author published in the same year is referenced, consecutive letters of the alphabet are put after the year of publication (e.g., Jażdżewski 1970a; Jażdżewski 1970b; Jażdżewski 1970c; etc.).
For papers, articles and reviews published in journals and for book chapters, a page range is to be provided.
Volumes and issues of journals and serial publications are listed without abbreviations using Arabic numerals. Abbreviations for page(s) are to be used, e.g., „Archaeometry”, 66(1), pp. 345-360).
Authors’ names are written in normal type, while titles of articles, chapters and books are italicized.
In English titles, only proper names and their derivatives should be capitalized (according to the rules of the English orthography).

The bibliographic references should be prepared according to the following examples:

- books
Bukowski Z. 1976. Elementy wschodnie w kulturze łużyckiej u schyłku epoki brązu, Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków–Gdańsk.
Galibin V.A. 2001. Sostav stekla kak arkheologicheskii istochnik. Ars vitraria experimentalis, Sankt-Peterburg.
Henderson J. 2000. The science and archaeology of materials, London–New York.
Janowski A. 2019. Metal finds, [in:] M. Rębkowski (ed.), Wolin – the Old Town, 2, Studies on finds, Szczecin, pp. 47-88.
Okulicz-Kozaryn J. 2000. Polska północna w młodszym okresie przedrzymskim i w okresie wpływów rzymskich, [in:] M. Kobusiewicz, S. Kurnatowski (eds), Archeologia i prahistoria polska w ostatnim półwieczu, Poznań, pp. 287-300.
Kaczanowski P., Parczewski M. (eds), 2005. Archeologia o początkach Słowian, Kraków.
Kostrzewski J., Chmielewski W., Jażdżewski K. 1965. Pradzieje Polski, Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków.
Krzysiak A., Marczewski M., Skóra K. 2021. Między zniszczeniem a adaptacją. Stosunek społeczności kultury wielbarskiej do obiektów sepulkralnych kultury pomorskiej na przykładzie nekropolii w Wilkowie Nowowiejskim, [in:] A. Michałowski, M. Brzostowicz, M. Kaczmarek, A. Strobin (eds), Ze świata dawnych barbarzyńców. Studia pradziejowe i wczesnodziejowe, Poznań, pp. 403-423.
Kruk J., Milisauskas S. 2018. Bronocice: The chronology and development of a neolithic settlement of the fourth millennium BC, Kraków.
Łaciak D., Markiewicz M., Łydżba-Kopczyńska B., Gediga B., August Cz., Hojniak M., Rusek G., Miazga B. 2017. Rekonstruowanie procesu wytwórczego ceramiki – badania nad halsztacką ceramiką malowaną z cmentarzyska w Domasławiu, stanowisko 10/11/12, pow. wrocławski, [in:] S. Siemianowska, P. Rzeźnik, K. Chrzan (eds), Ceramika i szkło w archeologii i konserwacji, Wrocław, pp. 179-205.
Moretti C., Hreglich S. 2013. Raw materials, recipes and procedures used for glass making, [in:] K. Janssens (ed.), Modern methods for analysing archaeological and historical glass, 1, Chichester, pp. 23–47.
Orton C., Huges M. 2013. Pottery in archaeology. Second edition, Cambridge.
Sobkowiak-Tabaka I. 2017. Rozwój społeczności Federmesser na Nizinie Środkowoeuropejskiej, Poznań.
Włodarczak P. 2006. Kultura ceramiki sznurowej na Wyżynie Małopolskiej, Kraków.

- serial publications (book series)
Boroń T. 2014. Mikroregion Nieborowej na Polesiu Lubelskim: od epoki kamienia po wczesną epokę brązu, Vetera et nova. Opracowanie źródeł archeologicznych z zasobów IAE PAN nowymi metodami badawczymi, 3, Warszawa.
Gaimster D.R.M. 2006. The historical archaeology of pottery supply and demand in the Lower Rhineland, AD 1400-1800, BAR International Series, 1518, Oxford.
Głosek M. 1998. Dwór murowany w Bąkowej Górze, Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia, 42, Łódź.
Górski J. 2007. Chronologia kultury trzcinieckiej na lessach Niecki Nidziańskiej, Biblioteka Muzeum Archeologicznego w Krakowie, 3, Kraków.
Ignaczak M., Romańska A. 2014. Osada kultury łużyckiej w Wilenku, gm. Szczaniec, woj. lubuskie, stan. 16 (AUT nr 49). Archeologiczne badania ratownicze na trasie autostrady A2, Via Archaeologica Posnaniensis, Źródła archeologiczne z badań wykopaliskowych na trasach dróg i autostrad, 9, Poznań.
Latałowa M. 2007. Gospodarka człowieka w diagramach pyłkowych, [in:] M. Makohonienko, D. Makowiecki, Z. Kurnatowska (eds), Studia interdyscyplinarne nad środowiskiem i kulturą w Polsce, Środowisko – Człowiek – Cywilizacja, 1, Poznań, pp. 171-187.
Natuniewicz-Sekuła M. 2019. The craft of the goldsmith in the society of the Wielbark culture from the Roman period – case study of the cemetery at Weklice, [in:] A. Cieśliński, B. Kontny (eds), Interacting Barbarians contacts, exchange and migrations in the first millennium AD, Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung, 9, Warszawa, pp. 297-307.
Nowakowski D. 2016. Überlegungen zum frühmittelalterlichen Siedlungskomplex Gustau (Gostyń) in Niederschlesien aufgrund archäologischer und toponomastischer Quellen, [in:] F. Biermann, T. Kersting, A. Klammt (eds), Die frühen Slawen - von der Expansion zu gentes und nationes, Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas 81(1), Langenweissbach, pp. 241-257.
Urbańczyk P., Trzeciecki M. (eds), 2016. Czersk. Wzgórze Zamkowe: badania 1974-1983, Origines Polonorum, 10, Warszawa.
Zbrueva A.V. 1952. Istoriâ naseleniâ Prikam’â v ananinskuû èpohu, Materialy i issledovaniâ po arheologii SSSR, 30, Moskva.

- journals
Antosik Ł., Maik J. 2017. Późnośredniowieczne krosna tkackie w świetle środkowoeuropejskich znalezisk archeologicznych, „Archaeologia Historica Polona”, 25, pp. 285-299,
Błoński M. 2021. Ponowne spojrzenie na wyniki badań grodu książęcego w Błoniu, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, 69(2), pp. 219–234,
Buko A., Bogdanowicz W., Molak M., Skrzyńska K., Krasnodębski D. 2020. Medieval populations of the Mazovian-Rus’ frontier in the time of Christianization. Preliminary results of archaeological and genetic analyses, „Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt”, 50(4), pp. 579–600,
Chmiel-Chrzanowska M., Adamczyk M. 2022. The settlement and economy of the Pyrzyce Lowland in the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Ages, „Przegląd Archeologiczny”, 70, pp. 115-136,
Czekaj-Zastawny A., Goslar T., Irish J.D., Kabaciński J. 2018. Gebel Ramlah – a unique newborns’ cemetery of the Neolithic Sahara, „African Archaeology Review”, 35, pp. 393-405,
Durdík T. 2010. Několik poznámek k české hradní každodennosti, „Archaeologia historica” 35(1-2), pp. 45-61.
Kadrow S.R., Zakościelna A. 2023. The origin of the trough retouch in the Lublin-Volhynian culture, „Sprawozdania Archeologiczne”, 74(1), pp. 157–186,
Kiosak D., Kotova N., Demchenko O., Bardeckyi A., Werra D.H. 2023. Verifying the chronology of Ukrainian neolithic, „Praehistorische Zeitschrift”, 98(2), pp. 419-436.
Kolenda J., Zamelska-Monczak K. 2021. The north or the south? Early medieval ceramics decorated with a zoned ornament – the result of local changes or interregional contacts?, „Archeologické rozhledy”, 73, pp. 423-454,
Mecking O. 2013. Medieval lead glass in Central Europe, „Archaeometry”, 55(4), pp. 641–662,
Purowski T., Kępa L., Wagner B. 2018. Glass on the Amber Road: the chemical composition of glass beads from the Bronze Age in Poland, „Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences”, 10(6), pp. 1283-1302,
Strobin A. 2023. Groby szkieletowe w kulturze oksywskiej, „Archeologia Polski”, 68, pp. 91-160,
Strzyż P. 2017. Militaria z zamku Wołek na Górnym Śląsku, „Acta Militaria Mediaevalia”, 13, pp. 55-82.
Wywrot-Wyszkowska B. 2019. Die Wiederverwertung von Rohstoffen und die Verwaltung von Produktionsabfällen in spätmittelalterlichen Ostseestädten im Spiegel archäologischer Quellen, „Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae”, 32, pp. 101-115,
Valde-Nowak P., Cieśla M., Kraszewska A., Kerneder-Gubała K., Rak K., Wawrzczak M. 2016. Sites from the Stone Age in Dunajec river upper catchment basin – new perspective, „Acta Archaeologica Carpathica”, 51, pp. 293-306.

- reviews
Barford P. 2021. (rev.) Three publications about archaeology of a segment of the First World War’s forgotten eastern front, „Archaeologia Polona”, 59, pp. 189–201,
Danielewski M. 2021. (rev.) Dariusz Adamczyk, Monetarisierungsmomente, Kommerzialisierungszonen oder fiskalische Währungslandschaften? Edelmetalle, Silberverteilungsnetzwerke und Gesellschaften in Ostmitteleuropa (800-1200), Wiesbaden 2020, „Slavia Antiqua”, 62, pp. 435-439,
Minta-Tworzowska D. 2016. (rev.) Emmanuel Anati (red.), Meaning of abstract signs?, Expression 2016, nr 13, „Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia”, 21, pp. 533-538,

- online sources
Digitales Wörterbuch. 2021. Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Der deutsche Wortschatz von 1600 bis heute, (access 10.02.2021).
Klein R. 2019. Metropolitan Jewish cemeteries in Central and Eastern Europe, lecture in Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, 29.05.2019, (access 12.03.2022).
Kubiatowski Z. 2016-2019. Interviews with Professors of Archaeology, ArcheoTV, (access 10.01.2023).
Sprawozdania PAN. 2015-2018. Sprawozdania z działalności statutowej 2015-2018, Warsaw, „Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej. Polska Akademia Nauk”, (access 20.01.2023).
Zabytki. 2022. Zabytki. Wykopaliska II, [in:] W. Gryta (ed.), Kraśnickie Towarzystwo Regionalne, (access 26.01.2022).

Saved in a MS Word file; Times New Roman, 10 pts; normal spacing; 1interline spacing (leading). Table heads (top and side) should be separated with a double line.
Number of tables: depends on the journal's section to which the text is addressed; should correspond to the requirements in: Journal's sections | Archeologia Polski (
Tables are numbered with the Arabic numerals.
Tables’ titles should be put over tables as well as listed in the list of tables. The titles should include details of data source and the name of an author, e.g.:
Table 4. Different categories of glass artifacts from site no. 1, trench no. 4, in Wolin and the chemical glass types of these artifacts after J. Olczak and E. Jasiewiczowa (Olczak 1959; Olczak, Jasiewiczowa 1963).

List of tables
The list of tables is to contain titles of all tables included in a paper and be saved as a separate file.

All display items apart from tables, i.e., drawings, maps, photos, charts etc., are called figures. They are numbered together from 1 to n with the Arabic numerals. Parts of figures and graphic markers are to be marked with consecutive small letters of the alphabet (e.g., Fig. 1:a; Fig. 2:d-f; 8:b).
Each figure should be uploaded as a separate file (TIFF or JPG).
Number of Figures: depends on the journal's section to which the text is addressed; should correspond to the requirements in: Journal's sections | Archeologia Polski (
Quality requirements for figures: 600 dpi; 12.5 x 19.5 cm (column dimensions of the B5 format of the journal).
Figures should be referenced in text in numbering order. If applying, the figures should contain a bar scale.
A source (publication, archival record and reference) and name of an author should be provided for all figures.
Example: Fig. 5. Berekhove, Mostyska district, site 2. Grave goods from cremation burial No. 1. After Czopek et al. 2018, Fig. 9.70.

List of figures
It should contain descriptions of all figures and be uploaded a separate file.

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