Dark ellipsoid beads with opaque glass thread decoration found in Britain





Beads of dark glass with opaque glass threads decoration, late Roman period, early Middle Ages, Anglo-Saxon period, England, Near East, lands north of the Black Sea, Central Europe, Damascus


Dark glass ellipsoid beads decorated with coloured glass threads are a relatively rare bead type that to date have mostly been found in Central Europe and the Near East. The author has located four examples of these beads in British museums, all from datable levels. This paper describes the British beads in detail and compares them with similar finds elsewhere. She also investigates the making of the beads using hot glass beadmaking skills.


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How to Cite

Heaser, S. (2020). Dark ellipsoid beads with opaque glass thread decoration found in Britain. Archeologia Polski, 65, 116–129. https://doi.org/10.23858/APol65.2020.003


