Peer-review procedure

for submissions to the Archeologia Polski                                                             Download a PDF file

Our review procedure complies with the guidelines of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All authors are required to read the Publication ethics | Archeologia Polski ( section, which contains the detailed description of authors’, the editors’, reviewers’ and the publisher’s duties.
All submissions are initially evaluated by the Editorial Team and/or the Editorial Board.
The independent evaluation is based on the double-blind peer review procedure (i.e., authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other), which is conducted with high standards of confidentiality.
Independent reviewers are experts in a field and a topic that a submission concerns. Papers are evaluated according to their: scientific value (especially originality and innovativeness, quality and value of the evidence and material; clarity); consistency with the journal’s profile; and significance for the journal.
The reviews are completed on the standardised form (see PDF file) with a section for reviewers’ detailed comments and suggestions. The following features are considered: value of a paper (innovativeness, sources), methods and methodology (choice and application); analyses of the material and evidence; a paper’s structure; title, terminology, language, and style; and also quality of references (accordance with the editors’ guidelines), display items, and an abstract.
The editors reserve the right to edit and amend texts, introducing all necessary corrections regarding technical and language issues as well as the substance of a submission.
If an article has more than one author, the authors accept that the corresponding author is the only contact for the editors during the whole editorial process. The person is responsible for communicating with other authors and informing them about the progress, corrections and final approval of the article (Statement, see PDF file).
By making a submission, authors agree that they are familiar with the journal’s Copyright policy | Archeologia Polski ( and Publishing agreement (see PDF). Authors are to consider that all the journal’s content is published on the CC-BY 4.0 licence, so all contributors to a particular submission should be aware of and accept it.
By making a submission, authors accept the following review procedure.

- After completing a submission, authors are sent confirmation that materials have been received.
- The editors’ complete the initial evaluation of a submission (based on both the formal criteria and a paper’s content) within six weeks. A corresponding author is informed about the decision. At this stage, the article is rejected, accepted for the independent review or conditionally accepted, i.e., the editors may suggest amendments that have to be made before the article is re-submitted.
- The anonymised paper is then sent to two or more independent reviewers along with the review form. All reviewers agree not to not use the knowledge about the reviewed paper before its publication in the Archeologia Polski.
- A prospective reviewer accepts or declines a review invitation within seven days and is asked to complete the evaluation within three weeks from the acceptance of the invitation.
- Once two or more independent reviews are submitted, the editors make a decision if the paper is accepted or rejected. At this stage, based on the independent evaluation and the own judgment, the editors may suggest minor or major revisions to authors. Completing the revisions is a necessary condition for the acceptance for publication.
- Authors are required to address all suggestions made by reviewers and the editors and answer any comment they reject or decline.
- All the amendments should be made in a file provided by the editors with the ‘track changes’ option enabled.
- If major revision were required, once they are completed, the paper is sent for the re-evaluation by independent reviewers. The paper may not be further proceeded unless it receives the positive opinions.
- After all necessary revisions and corrections are completed, the paper proceeds to next stages of the editorial process.
- At this stage, all authors are required to sign the publishing agreement. In case of co-authored papers, each author signs a separate agreement.
- The edited manuscript is sent for typesetting.
- The typeset article is sent to the author for approval (in a PDF file). Only minor corrections are possible at this stage of the editorial process. If the corrections are not returned within ten days, the editors consider the version as accepted by the author.
- After the publication, authors receive a PDF file with their paper (the version is identical with the printed one).